Back to School Success

Written by Gerry Waters | Jul 1, 2021 1:27:19 PM

Film + Tools + Conversation + Reflection = Health + Happiness

There has never been a sweeter summer than this - as freedoms open up and we reconnect with loved ones. But what about the fall, where anxieties about heading back to school and the over-reliance on technology has fueled the biggest mental health crisis the world has ever experienced? Our Creative Coping Toolkit is here to help.

Built around the Mental Health Trilogy of films that address Anxiety, Social Media Balance and Cyberbullying, the 'CCT' is a year's worth of SEL support for middle and high school students. Schools choose when they want to screen each of the film programs to students and their families throughout the year, and teachers choose when and how they want to focus on each of the 24 related, self-contained and easy-to-implement exercises.

Here's a brief preview of what the program delivers, film by film:

For Angst, tools and tips to help understand and deal with the common causes of anxiety, and how to manage a path through them with practical techniques and shifts in thinking patterns

For LIKE, sessions to break down understanding of why we can get so obsessed with social media, and builds up confidence in posting and living authentically, and gives tools control tech consumption for a more balanced life

The Upstanders works through a number of tools to help handle stressful situations, to reach out to and support others, and to move collectively towards kinder, more empathetic communities

The SEL program is delivered in a number of different ways Educators receive a comprehensive guide, complete with all exercise and video clips,  and students can work through individual exercises, or have their own printed or digital workbook (complete with re-playable video clips) to track their learnings, reflections and action plans.

We know that viewing films together - either virtually or in person - connects people, is an engaging way to learn and opens up conversations....

... now, with the combination of our films and a robust and flexible SEL program, the connection, learning and conversations can be anchored into life-long coping tools and strategies for a mentally healthy life!

We'd love to share a preview of our Educator Guide with you. Sign up here or below, if you'd like to receive a copy

Creative Coping Toolkit Preview